Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Business English: Presentations Vocabulary | Learn English

Speaking to a group of people with confidence, clarity and conviction can be difficult especially if you are not using your native language. Although these days presentations can be pretty informal, it can still make you feel nervous.

Good presentation skills are important in business, teaching and many other areas. Careful preparation is probably the most important part of giving an effective presentation. The better prepared you are, the less nervous you feel. Good preparation will make you speak with more confidence and look more professional. During you presentation you should also try to make eye-contact with your audience, smile, an d speak slowly but clearly.

Remember, if you are interested in taking Business English courses we can help you!

Here are some words that can be used when talking about presentations.

mannerisms - a person's particular way of talking or moving?
clich? - a phrase or expression that has been used so often that it is no longer original or interesting?
relatable - easy to get to know, understand; feel that you can relate to someone or something
gestures - a movement of part of the body, esp. a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning
crucial - very important
exaggerated - to make (something) larger or greater than normal
lullaby - a song used to help a child fall asleep
fidget - to make a lot of small movements because you are bored or nervous
aftermath - the aftereffects of a big event
take advantage - to use something (such as an opportunity) in a way that helps you

Now choose the correct words in each sentence:


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